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Army Aviation Program of Works (Townsville) - Request for Tender - Managing Contractor (MCC-1 2021)

Contact Details

RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd - Attn: Joe Colley


Department of Defence - DSRG
72100000 - Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services
12-Sep-2023 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender

APP Reference:


The Army Aviation Program of Works (Townsville) is to provide the facilities and infrastructure required to support Army Aviation, including the introduction into service and sustainment of the Boeing Apache Guardian helicopter capability, and 16th Aviation Brigade Headquarters. The works will include adaptation and optimisation of current infrastructure and facilities to support the increased spatial requirements of the Army Aviation and the construction of new buildings to meet functional requirements.

The Managing Contractor services include delivery of design (through 30%, 50%, 90% and final design stages), assistance in siting board and project approvals and PWC, procurement of design subconsultants and trade packages, and management of the following scope and related works.

The scope of the project includes:

5th Aviation Regiment Precinct, RAAF Base Townsville, Townsville, QLD:

·         adapt and optimise the current infrastructure and facilities to support the requirements of Army Aviation including; upgrade and refurbishment of existing working accommodation, hangars, maintenance facilities, headquarters building, and training facilities

·         demolition of existing infrastructure and construction of new infrastructure and facilities to support the requirements of Army Aviation including; working accommodation, hangars, maintenance facilities, headquarters building, and warehousing

·         upgrade of existing services and in-ground infrastructure

·         provide temporary facilities and enabling infrastructure to facilitate continuity of operations during the introduction into service the Apache.

Townsville Field Training Area, High Range (approximately 60 kilometres southwest of Townsville):

·         construct a Forward Arming and Refuelling Point.


The Managing Contractor Contract (MCC-1 2021) is a two stage Contract where the successful applicant is appointed to plan the Works (the Planning Phase). The Planning Phase includes all aspects of design, environmental, heritage, services condition and capacity investigations.

Managing Contractor appointment for the Delivery Phase is subject to all relevant Approvals, including Delivery Phase Agreement under the Contract with the Commonwealth.

Disclaimer and Confidentiality Agreement

The Disclaimer and Confidentiality Agreement is available by clicking on "ATM Documents".

Tenderers are required to download, complete, duly execute and return the Disclaimer and Confidentiality Agreement by email to the Contact Officer. The Contact Officer will then provide the tender documents to the applicant.

Confidential Information

The Tender Documents contain Confidential Information. Further information regarding the Tenderer's obligations in respect of Confidential Information is set out in the Disclaimer and Confidentiality Agreement and the Tender Documents.

Sensitive or Classified Information

The whole or any part of the Tender Documents contain Sensitive or Classified information.

Further information regarding the Tenderer's obligations in respect of Sensitive and Classified Information is set out in the Disclaimer and Confidentiality Agreement and the Tender Documents.

Industry Briefing

An industry briefing will be conducted on 13-July-2023 at 10am AEST.

Further information regarding the industry briefing is provided in the Tender Documents.

WHS Accreditation Scheme

The WHS Accreditation Scheme pursuant to the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Act 2016 (Cth) applies.  Further information regarding the WHS Accreditation Scheme is provided in the Tender Documents.

Indigenous Procurement Policy

The Australian Government's new Indigenous Procurement Policy took effect on 1 July 2015.  Further information regarding the Indigenous Procurement Policy is provided in the Tender Documents (including, if it applies potential minimum form and content requirements).

Joint Bids

The Commonwealth does offer the Tenderer an opportunity to lodge its Tender on a Joint Bid Basis.  Further information regarding Joint Bids is provided in the Tender Documents.


The Works described in the Tender Documents are a "public work" and therefore subject to section 18 of the Public Works Committee Act 1969 (Cth).

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria are described in the Tender Documents.

Minimum Form and Content Requirements

The minimum form and content requirements are described in the Tender Documents. 

Conditions for Participation

The conditions for participation are described in the Tender Documents.


The Conditions for Participation are described in Tender Documents.


The Award Date is anticipated to be December 2023.

The Services are anticipated to commence in January 2024 with Completion in or before April 2029.

Estimated Value (AUD):
From $370,000,000.00 to $420,000,000.00
AusTender at, in accordance with instructions in Request documentation.

Contact Details

RPS AAP Consulting Pty Ltd - Attn: Joe Colley
