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Closed ATM View - PROC-9175877

Project B: Enabling analytics for grain crop monitoring applications - Early detection and mapping

Cindy Hall

: +61 8 8198 8401



Cindy Hall

+61 8 8198 8401


Grains Research and Development Corporation
70140000 - Crop production and management and protection
10-May-2019 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart
Request for Tender



PLEASE NOTE: The closing time for this procurement has been further extended to Friday 10 May 2019, 2:00pm ACT local time.

Project B: Enabling analytics for grain crop monitoring applications - Early detection and mapping of ascochyta blight in pulse crops, sclerotinia and blackleg in canola, and yellow spot in wheat.

This procurement is part of a tender consisting of five interrelated procurements. Applicants may apply for one, all or any combination of the ‘Enabling analytics for grain crop monitoring applications’ procurements listed. For further information visit:

Foliar diseases in pulse and oilseed crop diseases are often difficult to scout for. They cause damage at multiple crop developmental stages and can cause total failure to high value cash crops if not managed appropriately. Ascocyhyta blight in pulse crops, sclerotinia, and blackleg in canola and yellow spot in wheat are notable examples. The development of monitoring tools to complement existing knowledge of epidemiological processes could potentially enable more effective foliar fungicide strategies that would deliver immediate economic benefits to growers on a seasonal-input cost basis. The additional, strategic benefit from preserving fungicide mode of actions trough reduced selection pressure for resistant biotypes is likely of much greater economic value to the Australian grains industry. Ultimately, the entire approach consisting of sensor, platform, analytical method and impact on decision making process must be considered in unison and tailored to the specific problem to be of practical benefit in plant disease detection (Kuska and Mahlein et al. 2018).

For full details on the ATM including outcome, outputs, evaluation critera, associated attachments and information on any Questions and Aswers relating to the ATM, visit:


The application closing date for all five procurements (Projects A, B, C, D and E) is 2:00pm ACT local time on Friday 10 May 2019.

Applications must address the common evaluation criteria relevant to all five procurements as well as the specific outcomes and outputs relevant to the individual project being applied for.

All tender applications must be submitted electronically via the GRDC Grains Investment Portal prior to the closing date for consideration:

Please read all information on the GRDC tender webpage before lodging an application in the Portal.

For information on applying and how to register refer to the guides in the GRDC help centre:

For questions refer to the Portal online support function or contact the Contract Administrator – Enabling Technologies via email


1. The Applicant must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners.

2. The Applicant and any proposed subcontractor must be compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.


2019 - 2023


Tenderers must submit their responses electronically through the Grains Investment Portal:

For information on applying and how to register refer to the ATM details on the GRDC website:

Cindy Hall

: +61 8 8198 8401



Cindy Hall

+61 8 8198 8401
