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Closed ATM View - AFMA RFT 2010/0275

Southern Bluefin Tuna Monitoring Arrangements

Katrina Phillips

: 02 6225 5412

: 02 6225 5442



Katrina Phillips

02 6225 5412


AFMA RFT 2010/0275
Australian Fisheries Management Authority
70100000 - Fisheries and aquaculture
5-May-2010 3:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Request for Tender


The sucessful tenderer will supervise all transfers of SBT from tow cages to farm cages. This currently involves attendance at each transfer and recording of all fish transferred on videotape. This will require the use of appropriate vessel(s) to reach the tow cages and farm cages, which may be located up to 30 nautical miles offshore from Port Lincoln. It also involves sampling a minimum of forty fish from each towing pontoon to determine average weight for the purposes of decrementing quota.

AFMA is required to evaluate for each season, the mechanisms that have been put in place to  monitor fishing catch against granted statutory fishing rights and Australia's national SBT catch allocation for that season. AFMA is then required to implement any required changes for the following season and, as necessary, revise the range, extent and cost of those services.


Further details, including the RFT documentation are available on AFMA's website at



Summary of requirements:

(a) Attendance at and observation of transfers and other monitoring activities and capture and measurement of stereo video imagery;

(b) Reporting;

(c) Provision of communication to monitors;

(D) Management reporting;

(e) Research assistance.

Note that in the detailed description of services the term "procure" is used to indicate that the tenderer may build, buy or contract the items specified.The tenderer must provide personnel and a means of transportation to be in attendance each time a vessel transfers catch that requires a weight estimate under AFMA legislation, regulations or permit conditions. This may occur outside of normal business hours and will involve travelling to the point of transfer, observing and electronically recording the transfer process, and filling in a report on each attendance. Note that a single transfer may take up to 12 hours to complete.

Note that tenderers are responsible for meeting their own Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation (OHS&R) requirements.

The tenderer must be able to provide all services by the commencement of the 2010-2011 fishing season, which begins on 1 December 2010.

Tender Box

Australian Fisheries Management Authority

Level 6, 73 Northbourne Avenue

Civic ACT 2600

Katrina Phillips

: 02 6225 5412

: 02 6225 5442



Katrina Phillips

02 6225 5412
