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Deployment of SAGI research output mfxlm

Dianne Wright

: (08) 8198 8400


Dianne Wright

(08) 8198 8400


Grains Research and Development Corporation
43230000 - Software
21-Nov-2022 5:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart
Request for Tender



Through past R&D investment, GRDC has acquired a scientific software package known as mfxlm. Mfxlm efficiently solves linear mixed model equations (LMMEs) to provide Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML) estimates of experimental factor results. Estimating REML is often required as part of analysing grains research, development, and extension (RD&E) datasets. Grains RD&E datasets are getting bigger and more complex, making them hard to analyse using software available in the current market. GRDC wishes to develop mfxlm into a tool to help the Australian grains industry deliver better RD&E outcomes back to growers. In this investment, GRDC requires a Service Provider to help prepare mfxlm for deployment in the RD&E sector. The Service Provider will use an Agile approach to address GRDC’s functional and non-functional requirements for mfxlm. An initial Agile Discovery phase will help refine GRDC’s software requirements. The Service Provider will review mfxlm software code, documentation, and licensing and recommend developments required for mfxlm deployment. The Service Provider will also engage with users that have beta-tested mfxlm to understand their requirements (GRDC will help you engage with these beta-testers). The Service Provider and GRDC will agree on an updated list of functional and non-functional requirements. In the second, Sprint, phase, the Service Provider will deliver the agreed functional and non-functional requirements through a series of Agile Sprints. Please refer to this investment’s Outcome, the list of Outputs, and the attached Statement of Requirements for details of GRDC’s requirements under this Request for Tender. For full details on the ATM and any associated attachments as well as information on any Questions and Answers relating to the ATM, visit


Applying for GRDC investments is done using the GRDC Grains Investment Portal.  Once registered, users can visit the Portal anytime.

To register as a user, please visit

• Click on the register button at the top right-hand side.

• Complete the Registration Form. Fill in all the fields: your email address, a password and the captcha. Your password must be alphanumeric with at least one special character (i.e. not a letter or number). Click register to continue the process.

• Registration is confirmed by the system sending an email to you, with details to complete the registration process.

• Once the registration process is complete, you can sign in and review all investments open for tender

Once you have located this investment, you can commence the application process by completing the details for each field available, until you reach “Submit Application” on the last page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Dianne Wright via email ( or use the online support function available.


The Tenderer must be a single legal entity or recognised firm of partners.

The Tenderer and any proposed subcontractor must be compliant with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not have a judicial decision against it (not including decisions under appeal) relating to employee entitlements and who have not paid the claim.

The Tenderer and any subcontractor must not be named on the Consolidated List, being the list of persons and entities who are subject to targeted financial sanctions or travel bans under Australian sanction laws, as maintained by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


January 2023 - June 2023


Tenderers must submit their responses electronically through the Grains Investment Portal at: For information on 'Applying' and how to register refer to the ATM details on the GRDC's Website (

Dianne Wright

: (08) 8198 8400


Dianne Wright

(08) 8198 8400
