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Closed ATM View - ABS2013.199

Census 2016 ICT Capability Review

Contact Details

James Tuhan

02 6252 5433


Australian Bureau of Statistics
43210000 - Computer Equipment and Accessories
5-Feb-2014 2:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender



The ABS is aiming for a primarily online response for the 2016 Census, making it the Australia's first digital Census.  While this approach will lead to significant processing efficiencies for the Bureau, it also comes with some significant risks, particularly around data capture and the ICT infrastructure requirements associated with capturing Census information from approximately 6.5m households in a short enumeration period.
In addition to the development of a high-level Infrastructure Architecture, Technology Services Division (TSD) has undertaken a detailed analysis of the non-functional requirements for each of the systems which make up the overall Census suite.
Using these metrics TSD has identified a number of technical roles, when they will be required in the program; for how long; the importance of those roles to the success of the overall delivery; and an estimate of the organisations ability to fill those roles from its existing staff base.
The ABS is now seeking the services of an appropriately experienced individual/organisation to validate its planning in the areas of ICT staffing capacity/capability, risk management and the proposed budget. Then if required, assistance in developing a statement of requirement for any tender process that may occur as a result of this process. It is expected that the vendor assisting in the 2016 ICT capability review will not participate in any resulting tender process.


Please refer to the tender documentation for details


Please refer to the tender documentation for details

Please refer to the tender documentation for details

Contact Details

James Tuhan

: 02 6252 5433
