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Closed ATM View - WO/2008/01


Contact Details

Andrew Robertson

02 6121 3019


Workplace Ombudsman
43230000 - Software
30-Mar-2009 4:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
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Request for Tender

The Office of the Workplace Ombudsman (Workplace Ombudsman) invites Tenders for the provision of a Case Management System (CMS) to replace the current CLAIMS II application prior to April 2010 in accordance with this Request for Tender (RFT). It is intended that the Services provided will be implemented and operated on the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) IT platform in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.

The Workplace Ombudsman is seeking a single organisation to provide a case management system, including but not limited to:

i.           purchase of commercial software that is scalable and flexible enough to cope with changing requirements and that allows moderate ongoing customisation to be performed by the Workplace Ombudsman and or DEEWR;

ii.         initial customisation and configuration of the software, and ongoing customisation and configuration as required;

iii.        training on the use, administration and customisation of the software (including 'train-the-trainer' training);

iv.       supporting the implementation of the system and migration of data from the existing systems to the new system; and

v.         providing ongoing maintenance and technical support (third level support).  The Workplace Ombudsman and/or DEEWR staff will perform a first and second level helpdesk role.

The Workplace Ombudsman is seeking a case management system to:

i.           process complaints from employers according to relevant legislation;

ii.         provide advice on ‘assisted voluntary resolution’ and the enforcement of the legislation;

iii.        document, track and report on all complaint activities;

iv.       conduct targeted campaigns on specific issues or areas of interest;

v.         investigate complaints of alleged breaches;

vi.       assist with the initiation of appropriate legal action;

vii.      correspond with complainant;

viii.    provide secure access to data and processing for staff from all around Australia; and

ix.       maintain and administer enhancements to meet changing business and legislative needs. 

Out of scope for this case management system are:

i.           managing the day-to-day operation of the system.  This function will be provided by WO and DEEWR staff utilising DEEWR infrastructure;

ii.         user help line. WO and DEEWR will provide initial support to WO staff for all issues regarding the case management system.  Where such issues cannot be resolved internally, vendor support will be required. 

Conditions for participation are as per item 10.4 of the RFT and replicated here.  In the event of discrepancy the RFT will prevail. The Workplace Ombudsman will exclude a Tender from further consideration if the Workplace Ombudsman considers that the Tenderer does not meet the following conditions for participation: 

i.           the Tenderer exists as a legal entity at the Closing Time (see paragraph 9.2.5);

ii.         the Tenderer and subcontractors must not be bankrupt or insolvent; and

iii.        the Tenderer and its subcontractors must not be named as not complying with Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (for Australian companies only).

The CMS solution must be fully operation by April 2010.
Lodgement of responses for this tender will be through AusTender (

Contact Details

Andrew Robertson

: 02 6121 3019
