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Closed ATM View - ATM000037

The provision of technical services to upgrade the GBRMPA's EDRMS system

Contact Details

GBRMPA Finance Procurement

07 4750-0741


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
80101507 - Information technology consultation services
10-Jan-2020 12:00 pm (ACT Local Time)
Show close time for other time zones
Request for Tender



This Approach to Market (ATM000037) is for the provision of technical services to upgrade and migrate the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s current Electronic Document Records Management System (EDRMS) from SharePoint 2010/RecordPoint 3.7 to SharePoint 2016/RecordPoint 4.7.


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (the Customer) is seeking submissions for the provision of technical services (the Requirement) as described in this Commonwealth Approach to Market.


In submitting a response, potential suppliers are required to comply with all requirements set out in the Commonwealth Approach to Market Terms, and if successful, agree to enter into a contract which incorporates the Commonwealth Contract Terms available at





Potential suppliers must familiarise themselves with all contents of this ATM000037 document and in doing so in their tender submission, demonstrate they can meet the requirements as detailed in A.A.2 of said document.


As per details in ATM Document ATM000037


As per A.A.1 Key Dates and Times on page 2 of 23.


Potential suppliers/tenders must familiarize themselves and comply with the Lodgement method A.A.4 on page 4 and 5 of this ATM000037 document in order to be considered and assessed for this ATM.

Contact Details

GBRMPA Finance Procurement

: 07 4750-0741
